Friday, 24 July 2015

what is 'AUM' 'OM' - how to use aum in everyday life - (guest post)

Every religion has its own essence that is known to be the driving force to keep the faith of the believer united with the roots of the religious teachings. Religious preachers take it to be their duty to preserve these essences in the best of forms so that the world can witness for years the power and magic that enfolds through them.
For years we have seen Hindu religious Pandits chanting a significant sound that at times appears to be like a deep mumble and then we witnessed Yogis picking up the mantra and now it has become a huge part of their entire culture. This mantra is non-other than AUM-OM. This might not come out to be a shock to many but this Mantra is being used worldwide by people of all religions, races and creed. The generation of the word has a whole Hindu religious science behind it. The Hindu religious belief explains that the Hindu Gods gave birth to the entire Universe after they created sound. This also explains that Hindus believe that the creation of the Earth/Universe is basically the result or the output of the different sound frequencies. The vibrations that the sound generates while you speak has a special core connection with people in your close contact. If the rhythm and the vibrations connect then people connect and if not then there shall remain differences.
In Hindu teachings the word AUM has tri-nature meaning that can be best explained when divided:
A- The state of the complete consciousness - The waking
U- The state of the unconsciousness - The dreaming
M- The state of the sub-consciousness - The deep sleep.
The symbol too depicts the three states of the syllables. The word also can be symbolized to be containing the meaning- Origin.
Many yogis begin and even end their yoga session with a casual but very important exhaling and inhaling exercise based on the chanting of the mantra AUM/OM. There are many uses of the mantra OM that can be applied in the daily life to achieve spiritual and worldly healing. The power of OM can be explained as encapsulating the entire universe in your imagination. This can be both intimidating and powering.

The word OM is always used as a form of meditation since the way it is chanted or recited creates a very soothingly, heavy effect on your spirit. People especially Hindus chant the word OM and meditate through it. They try and find the cure to all kinds of spiritual as well as worldly problems. It is thus, due to the power of the word OM that Yogis have made it an avid part of their routine. Once you begin meditating the word OM/AUM and the way you deliver the word through your mouth creates the aura of healing. Soon after you being the mantra, the vibration that is generated and the rhythm that builds balances out your natural pulse thus calming your senses down and giving your brain power to engage itself in bringing the universe in its imagination.
·      The Hindus specifically prefer chanting OM while taking their bath. The vibrations that are generated cause the blood flow to remain constant during the bath.
·      OM/AUM is now an international symbol of meditation and is used world over because the world has now realized its visible powers. OM/AUM is known to be an accepted aura cleanser.
·      Not just Hindus but people from different religions place the symbol of OM inside their homes to create positive energy also to be a symbol of good luck and blessings, especially in relationships.
·      The symbol of OM has a very intriguing design and is one of the most popular designs that is produced and is bought in jewelry items like rings and pendants.
·      Playing back the chanting of the OM Mantra early in the morning is said to bring good luck and blessings in the house. This is though highly accepted in Hindu culture for now.
·      Chanting the mantra in your free time can actually calm your senses, and release stress that you might have accumulated in the day.

The symbol has now been picked up by other religions that are most commonly practiced in the Indian sub-continent. While it is remarkable to see how the West has realized and understood the power of the Mantra, even after carrying out a number of scientific research.

-Sophie Ryan

1 comment

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    Scientific & Spiritual Benefits of OM


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