Sunday 14 February 2016

am i crazy cat lady?

okay, so i know I'm not, one because i am male and two because I'm not crazy... or am i??

basically i love my cats.

this is a post about a company that saved me a lot of time when it came to feeding my cats.

i call it feeding, its not scheduled its all the time, they look at me with their big eyes and i just feed them.

this company lets you buy your treats online and send them straight to your door, perfect because i get so consumed in the supermarkets that i always forget the cat treats.... i concentrate on getting human treats instead!

i was sent this lovely little parcel for my cats.

it included:

"the company is called "" it is a nationwide home delivery subscription service to pet food. they are a young company with a team of friendly, helpful staff dedicated to saving you time and money. All of their staff are pet owners so they understand the needs of other pet parents."

you should really check them out if like me, you get busy in the stores and are always rushing to the shop to get cat food and treats... it normally costs me atleast £1 extra a box of food at my local convenient store... so thankful for this service.

check them out here: ""

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