Sunday, 15 March 2015

Caring for your beard

I have had a beard on and off for the past few years. Here's a few tips on upkeep and comfort. 

Beard oil and a good comb. 

That's about it really. 

The itch in growing a beard last about two weeks then you'll be fine (it's due to the length of the hairs irritating your skin under your beard) - exfoliate to stop the itch. 

When your beard is a good length away from the skin and you're able to comb. Get a thin tooth comb and an oil of your choice. I use ones with argan oil as they tend to be non greasy. 

When I wake up the beard is generally sore and that's due to you sleeping on your beard har and causing it to grow in a different direction. 

I was my face with warm water to open the beard follicles then brush the beard in the direction of natural growth and dry with a towel.  

Tip add oil when beard is wet. 

I also have shampooed and conditioned my beard. It helps a lot. 

Brush when wet. 


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